Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Statement of the NaFFAA National Chair on the Death of Col. Frank Quesada

Statement of the NaFFAA National Chair on the Death of Col. Frank Quesada

A resolute fighter for justice and a long-time advocate for the
Filipino veterans' cause has departed us, joining his brave comrades
who had lost their lives in a war that has left the few remaining
survivors still waiting for the day when America restores their
dignity and honor. All his life, this is what Col. Quesada valiantly
fought for.

Col. Quesada fought in WWII as a key officer of the well known Hunters
ROTC Guerilla. He later served in and retired as a Colonel in the
U.S. Army. Through his mighty pen and passionate discourses,
Col.Quesada's unstinting devotion to the plight of Filipino World War
II veterans has inspired all of us over the years to continue their
struggle, from the grassroots to the halls of Congress. While we
grieve over his passing, we stand proud of what Col. Quesada has done
to keep their message of hope alive. It's as much a struggle for them
as it is for our community, and for generations to come.

The surviving veterans don't have many years left. With one less voice
advocating for them, our community needs to step up the pressure on
Congress and urge passage of the equity bill this year. For the sake
of our veterans and the just cause they lived and died for, we must
keep on fighting.

Alma Quintans Kern
National Chair

National Federation of Filipino American Associations (NaFFAA)
phone: 202.986.1153

NaFFAA | 2607 24th St. NW, Ste. 4 | Washington | DC | 20008-2600

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