Friday, February 29, 2008

Ramiele Malubay Fan Widget

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Blogger now in Filipino

February 19, 2008

Blogger now in Filipino

This is a quick post to announce that, in addition to Blogger’s recent improvements and fixes, we are now available in Filipino.

There is already a very strong blogging community in the Philippines, and we’re very happy to support that and be a part of it. Want a taste? Start with our friend Aileen and keep clicking!
posted by Pete at 8:08 AM

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Filipino School Program in Southern California - Seeking Teacher

DEADLINE: Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Filipino School Program in Southern California - Seeking Teacher

The Kultural Enrichment and Language Program (KELP) is a program developed
by Search To Involve Pilipino Americans (SIPA), is an experiential learning
program with an emphasis in Filipino language, arts, and culture. The
after-school program targets Filipino American children in elementary grade levels 1-3.

The goal of the class is not only to teach the students Tagalog, but also
about the different facets of Philippine culture, art, history, literature
and geography. The program design follows the curriculum standards adopted
by the California State Board of Education for elementary school levels.

We are looking for an additional teacher who is interested in helping
implement amazing program!


- Collaborate with lead teacher on material preparation for weekly lesson plans

- Offer guidance language-learning activities

- Implement appropriate classroom management and child supervision

- Complete administrative duties (including: regular feedback to
Program Manager, maintaining sign in sheets and attendance)

- Address parent requests and questions regarding the program curriculum


- Classroom experience / elementary aged-level

- Ability to work with lead teacher in adapting existing curriculum
to suit student language level

- Fluent Tagalog / Pilipino speaker a must; native Tagalog /
Pilipino speaker preferred


Age group: Ages 5 - 9 years

Dates: Saturday, March 15 – Saturday, June 21, 2008

Location: Pacific Community Center, Glendale, CA

Preparation meetings and training sessions will take place prior to the
program start date.

Future classes (a fall cycle) may be scheduled in other parts of Southern
California, including the Orange County area.

This is a great opportunity for you to be involved with sharing the heritage
and language of the Philippines with children in our community.

For more information, please visit our website at: and click
on the KELP program icon at the top of the page,


If you are interested in teaching, please contact:

Farzana Nayani, Program Manager
Tel: 213.382.1819 x107)


1) a cover letter including a brief overview of skills
2) resume
3) contact information

DEADLINE: Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Friday, February 15, 2008

23rd Annual Oregon Asian Celebration: February 16-17, 2008

Dear Friends and Colleagues --

I hope that you can attend the Annual Celebration this weekend. The local Filipino American Association (PAA) is hosting two booths -- a food booth and cultural booth. I will most likely be at one or the other helping out -- it would be great to see you. PAA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and all funds raised go toward scholarships.

The Cultural Booth will include a photo exhibit of Filipinos in Oregon since the 1920s. Hosts for this booth are coming from Portland and Salem to help out.

Attendance has been growing at the Celebration, with over 20,000 persons attending the two-day event each year. The Celebration is very family-oriented and children of all ages are welcome.

See you there!!


23rd Annual Oregon Asian Celebration

February 16-17, 2008

Lane Events Center (Fairgrounds), Eugene, Oregon

Entrance is $4/day, with 12 and under free.

Saturday hours this year is extended from 10am – 8pm.

Sunday hours are 10am – 6pm.

The Celebration web site: for more information

Manilatown Heritage Foundation, in association with Kwatro-Kantos, Presents

Manilatown Heritage Foundation, in association with Kwatro-Kantos, Presents

Ramon Abad and Larry Reed
On Shadow Puppetry and Community Theater

February 15, Friday 6-8 pm
International Hotel Manilatown Center
868 Kearny Street (and Jackson), SF
Donations appreciated

Join puppet masters Ramon Abad of Bindlestiff Studio joined by Larry Reed of ShadowLight Productions as they present the roots and influence of Shadow puppetry in Community Theater. Followed by a short workshop/demo.
Ramon is a Filipino American puppeteer, artist, and teacher. In 1997 he joined tongue in A mood, Bindlestiff Studio's premier Fil Am sketch comedy troup and was part of the original community of theater artists at Bindlestiff Studio on 6th St. With tiAm he collaborated on over a hundred performances at Bindlestiff, throughout the Bay Area and the US. In 1999 he co-directed with Lorna Aquino Chui and Omz Velasco on "The Tico Tico Puppet Show" which was the first two-act Filipino American puppet play in San Francisco. Since 1995 he was also a member of Larry Reed's ShadowLight Productions, the most active shadow theater company in the US. He designed puppets & sets and performed with masks and shadow puppets on shows that have toured throughout the US and the United Kingdom through Jim Henson's International Puppetry Festival.

Larry Reed earned his MFA in filmmaking at the San Francisco Arts Institute in 1971 and founded ShadowLight Productions in 1972 with a mission to bring the stories of the world to light. Since 1972, he has been studying and performing Balinese mask and puppet theater. After intensive study with master artists in Bali, in 1972 he formed the Shadow Play Theater Company. The company has twice been awarded the UNIMA/USA Citation for Excellence from the International Puppetry Association.� ShadowLight has been nominated for theatrical design award by the American Theater Wing, presenters of the Tony Awards and various other citations.� Their original interdisciplinary performances combine the power and mystery of shadows, the scale of film, and the immediacy of live performance. Each show is created by a collaborating ensemble of writers, choreographers, composers, designers, actors, dancers, musicians and puppeteers.�

For more information, check out our website at�


Globalization: Response & Responsibility Exhibition
January 26-March 1, 2008

Other Events:
Feb 22, Friday 6-8pm
Youth Empowerment event
with United Playaz, ALAY &�the participation of the FCC Hip-Hop Workshop and some video artists.
United Playaz and ALAY discusses youth and empowerment in the Bay Area followed by work from the FCC Hip-Hop Workshop, Johnny Cabaddu & Jay Pugao.

February 28, Thursday 6-8pm
Deconstruction of values through Collage Making with SOMCAN
Bring old magazines, newspapers, scissors and glue. Cut and paste to create your own message through collage making.

All events at International Hotel Manilatown Center
868 Kearny Street (and Jackson)

For more information on each event, check out our website at

For more details, visit

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Battle for Manila: Tragic February

Tragic February

The Battle for Manila which took place in the whole
month of February in 1945 was fought by the advancing
armed forces of the United States of America and the
defending Japanese Imperial forces toward the end of
World War II. That infamous battle killed one hundred
thousand (100,000) non-combatant civilians and
destroyed almost the whole of the city of Manila,
then considered the "Pearl of the Orient."

For many decades, that battle was referred to as the
Liberation of Manila but a few years ago, the National
Historical lnstitute officially changed that to the
"Battle for Manila." Although that was a historically
and politically correct decision, many Filipinos still
do not appreciate its importance, nor comprehend the
difference between "liberation" and "battle for (not of)".

Manila is fortunate to have a mayor who has a sense
of history and who respects history. Mayor Alfredo S.
Lim has assigned the Manila Historical and Heritage
Commission, headed by Mrs. Carmen Guerrero-Nakpil, to
organize the formal commemoration of the 63rd
Anniversary of the Battle for Manila. During the
meetings of the ad-hoc committee, it was evident that
the tragic February in 1945, after more than half a
century is still an extremely emotional and
controversial issue. Should the commemoration be a
memorial to a nation's profound bereavement or should
it be a festive accolade, an amnesiac embracing of
former foes in the spirit of globalization?
Let us forgive but never forget!

What we seem to have forgotten, or more precisely,
what we have systematically been made to forget is
another tragic February of more than a century ago. On
4 February 1899, the Philippine-American War broke out,
lasted for thirteen years during which a million
Filipinos died and the first republic in Asia was crushed.

It can be argued that both Februaries were
devastating to the life and future of the Filipino
nation. We lost lives in the most horrendous fashion
during the Battle for Manila and the
Philippine-American War , not only that, we also lost
heritage structures, public works painstakingly built,
entire towns and cities disfigured by hamletting
and "reconcentracion"; we also lost institutions, the
"brains of the nation", " la crema y nata" or the
best and the brightest.

Most painful is our memory loss, national
amnesia now chronic and in epidemic proportions.
Very few Filipinos do not even know what they should
remember of the two tragic Februaries. Let us
commemorate both.

Gemma Cruz Araneta

Statement of the NaFFAA National Chair on the Death of Col. Frank Quesada

Statement of the NaFFAA National Chair on the Death of Col. Frank Quesada

A resolute fighter for justice and a long-time advocate for the
Filipino veterans' cause has departed us, joining his brave comrades
who had lost their lives in a war that has left the few remaining
survivors still waiting for the day when America restores their
dignity and honor. All his life, this is what Col. Quesada valiantly
fought for.

Col. Quesada fought in WWII as a key officer of the well known Hunters
ROTC Guerilla. He later served in and retired as a Colonel in the
U.S. Army. Through his mighty pen and passionate discourses,
Col.Quesada's unstinting devotion to the plight of Filipino World War
II veterans has inspired all of us over the years to continue their
struggle, from the grassroots to the halls of Congress. While we
grieve over his passing, we stand proud of what Col. Quesada has done
to keep their message of hope alive. It's as much a struggle for them
as it is for our community, and for generations to come.

The surviving veterans don't have many years left. With one less voice
advocating for them, our community needs to step up the pressure on
Congress and urge passage of the equity bill this year. For the sake
of our veterans and the just cause they lived and died for, we must
keep on fighting.

Alma Quintans Kern
National Chair

National Federation of Filipino American Associations (NaFFAA)
phone: 202.986.1153

NaFFAA | 2607 24th St. NW, Ste. 4 | Washington | DC | 20008-2600

Filipino American Community Calendar for Oregon and Southwest Washington

Filipino American Community Calendar for Oregon and Southwest Washington

February 5, 2008

· Prepared by Council of Filipino American Associations of Oregon and Southwest Washington (CFAA)

· For input of upcoming events and feedback, please contact Eric Tadeo, CFAA PRO: 360-690-0774,

· Upcoming (next 4 weeks), new and updated events:

o February 16, 2008 Dinner Dance Auction for Gawad Kalinga (Oregon Coast, upcoming)

o February 16-17, 2008 - 23rd Annual Oregon Asian Celebration (Eugene, upcoming, updated)

o April 12, 2008 - Aguman Dinner-Dance (Portland-Vancouver-Metro, updated)

o April 18, 2008 – Coro Basilica de Malolos Concert (Portland/Vancouver Metro, new)

o May 31, 2008 - Barong n Terno Ball (Portland/Vancouver Metro, new)

o June 14, 2008 – Philippine Independence Day Celebration (Portland/Vancouver-Metro, new)

o December 6, 2008 – Pasko Na Naman (Portland/Vancouver-Metro, new)

February 16, 2008 Dinner Dance Auction for Gawad Kalinga

DATE/TIME: February 16, 2008, Saturday, 6:30pm
SPONSORED BY: Oregon Coast Filipino American Association
LOCATION: The Mill Casino Salmon Room West

COST: of $40/ person or $75/couple

CONTACT: Marjorie Crook 541 267-0151; Helen Coughlin, 541 756-7437; email at

Gawad Kalinga builds houses for the poor in many parts of the Philippines . The ticket cost only covers the food and the venue. We will be raising funds through the auction.

For more information on Gawad Kalinga (GK) organization, visit their website; or its US affiliate, Answer the Cry of the Poor. http://www.gawadkal or

February 16-17, 2008 - 23rd Annual Oregon Asian Celebration
DATE/TIME: February 16-17, 2008; Saturday 10:00am - 8:00pm; Sunday 10:00am -6:00pm
SPONSORED BY: Asian Council
LOCATION: Lane County Fairgrounds, Eugene OR
COST: $4.00 per person; Free for children 12 and under
CONTACT:, David Tam or Carrie Matsushita
Philippine American Association will have a food booth and cultural booth

April 12, 2008 - Aguman Dinner-Dance
DATE/TIME: April 12, 2008 / Time – 6 pm

SPONSORED BY: Aguman Capampangan Northwest U.S.A.

LOCATION: Legins Restaurant
COST: $35 per person, $25 for children 15-18 with an adult

CONTACTS: Cori Harms (360) 260-8895

Frida Alejandrino (503) 579-8205

Profits will go towards our Medical and Dental Mission. Music by 'Just 5', special entertainment by Ernie Quilban.

April 18, 2008Coro Basilica de Malolos Concert
DATE/TIME: April 18, 2008 / Time – TBA

SPONSORED BY: Filipino American Association of Clark County and Vicinity


CONTACTS: Lourdes Mashinsky 360.891-8389,

Award winning choral group from the Philippines on US tour showcases Filipino arts and culture and song and dance. More information to come.

May 31, 2008 - Barong n Terno Ball

DATE/TIME: May 31, 2008 / 6:00 PM

SPONSORED BY: Filipino-American Friendship Club of Oregon

LOCATION: Embassy Suites, Portland Airport

COST: $45 per ticket (Dinner & Dance)

CONTACTS: Raul Madarang (503) 848-8824, Bennie Ramirez (503) 524-7229, Gloria Rivera (503) 646-6556, Myrna Boyce (503) 620-9646, and Jet Pizarro (503) 516-4756

Music by The Manila Band; Dress Code: Barong, Terno or Formal attire required

June 14, 2008 – Philippine Independence Day Celebration

DATE/TIME: June 14 / TBA

SPONSORED BY: Filipino American Association of Clark County and Vicinity


COST: None

CONTACT: Lourdes Mashinsky 360.891-8389,

Second annual Philippine Independence Day celebration.

July 3-5, 2008 - 12th National Conference, Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS)
DATE/TIME: July 3-5, 2008
SPONSORED BY: Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS)
LOCATION: Anchorage Hilton Hilton Anchorage,
500 West Third Avenue
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
CONTACT: Dorothy Laigo Cordova, Executive Director

810 18th Avenue, Room 100
Seattle, WA 98122

There is call for papers, panels, presentation.

July 12, 2008 - Annual PAA Summer Picnic
DATE/TIME: Saturday, July 12, 2008, 12:00noon - 4:00 p.m.
SPONSORED BY: Philippine American Association of Lane County
LOCATION: Alton Baker Park, Eugene OR
COST: Small donation per family
CONTACT: Anselmo Villanueva 541.485.1755 x202
Bring a potluck dish to share; plates and utensils provided

September 27, 2008 - 20th Anniversary Celebration of the Philippine American Association (PAA) of Lane County
DATE/TIME: Saturday, September 27, 2008
SPONSORED BY: Philippine American Association of Lane County
LOCATION: Eugene, Oregon
CONTACT: Anselmo Villanueva 541.485.1755 x202
More details in the coming months

December 6, 2008 – Pasko Na Naman

DATE/TIME: December 6, 2008 / TBA

SPONSORED BY: Filipino American Association of Clark County and Vicinity


CONTACTS: Lourdes Mashinsky 360.891-8389,

Annual Christmas-time gala dinner/dance of the Filipino-American Community.

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To be included in this calendar, please send the following information to Eric Tadeo,








If some items are undetermined, indicate 'TBA' (to be announced), but minimally, to be beneficial for readers of this calendar, have an event name (or best description), date (or approximate date), and contact information (this is a 'must'). Information may be modified as they are determined. Eric reserves the right to edit for space and propriety.

Also, if you want to be included in the distribution list of this calendar, please send email to Eric,