Thursday, January 31, 2008


4th Quarter 2007
Posted 31 January 2008

In an environment of benign inflation, low interest rates and a strong peso, the Philippine economy sustained its impressive streak of lofty growths that started in the first quarter of the year. Fourth quarter growth of GDP stood at 7.4 percent from 5.5 percent last year, propelled by the robust performances of Trade, Agriculture and Fishery, Private Services, Construction and TCS, with the rest of the sectors posting positive growths. On the demand side, increased household spending and investment in construction were the main drivers aided by the accelerated growths in government consumption, export of non-factor services and investment in durable equipment. The 3.0 percent contraction in the level of NFIA pulled down GNP to a lower growth of 6.5 percent compared to the GDP growth.

The seasonally adjusted GDP, now on its 27th quarter of positive growths, accelerated to 1.8 percent from 1.0 percent in the previous quarter. Likewise, the seasonally adjusted GNP, which has also been on positive territory since the second quarter of 2003, sped up to 1.4 percent from 0.9 percent in the third quarter.

On the production side, the sustained GDP growth in the fourth quarter was bolstered by the fast expanding Services sector whose growth of 9.0 percent from 8.4 percent in the same quarter last year is the highest since 1982. Likewise, Industry went up too at a higher pace of 5.8 percent from 3.6 percent the previous year, albeit slower than during the first three quarters, mainly because of the deceleration of Manufacturing. With favorable weather conditions during the quarter, Agriculture, Fishery and Forestry (AFF) also accelerated to 5.8 percent from its year ago rate of 1.7 percent.

The following were the contribution of the three major economic sectors to the GDP growth in the quarter: Services, with 4.4 percentage points; Industry, 1.8 percentage points and AFF contributing the least with 1.2 percentage points.

On a seasonally adjusted basis, AFF contracted by 0.1 percent in the fourth quarter after three quarters of robust growths while Industry rebounded to a 0.5 percent expansion after suffering a 0.4 percent contraction last quarter. The positive growth was attributed to the strong growths of Construction, Mining and Quarrying, and Electricity, Gas and Water. Services sector came in strongest as it posted an all time record growth of 3.3 percent. The phenomenal growth was brought about by the brisk retail trading during the fourth quarter combined with the strong performances of Private Services and Finance.

The economy continued to keep pace with the population growth in the fourth quarter of 2007 as per capita GDP grew by 5.3 percent from 3.4 percent, per capita GNP by 4.4 percent from 4.0 percent, and per capita PCE by 4.2 percent from 3.8 percent.

NFIA in the fourth quarter declined however, by 3.0 percent from a 12.4 percent gain in the same quarter last year as compensation inflow declined anew by an even higher rate of 3.3 percent from only 0.2 percent in the third quarter. This was aggravated by the deceleration in Property Income from 32.0 percent last year to 18.9 percent, and the growth in Property Expense by 4.4 percent. The fourth quarter recorded the first quarter of negative growth of NFIA since the fourth quarter of 2002.

On the expenditure side, consumer spending grew by 6.3 percent from 5.8 percent a year ago. Food expenditure, which accounted for 56.1 percent of the Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE), grew by 6.6 percent from 6.8 percent in the previous year while Miscellaneous expenditures accelerated to 7.8 percent from 5.7 percent last year. Meanwhile, Transportation/Communication and Clothing & Footwear both turned in lower growths as they decelerated to 8.2 percent from 8.3 percent and 2.4 percent from 6.5 percent, respectively. The other sub-sectors that contributed to the growth of PCE were the following: Household Operations, up by 2.7 percent from 1.9 percent; Beverages grew by 4.7 percent from 6.6 percent; Fuel, Light & Water, up by 4.3 percent from 1.4 percent; and Household Furnishings, which recovered from a negative 2.5 percent growth last year to positive 5.0 percent this year.

Government Consumption Expenditure (GCE) accelerated to 10.8 percent from a growth of 9.9 percent last year with the disbursement of government funds for infrastructure project.

Investments in Fixed Capital Formation expanded by 10.3 percent from last year’s growth of 2.2 percent on account of vigorous investments in construction. Construction grew by 17.6 percent from 5.7 percent with the hike in national government’s capital expenditures and capital transfer to LGU’s resulting in the 33.4 percent growth in public construction from 39.6 percent in the previous year. On the other hand, investments in private construction rebounded to 7.4 percent from negative 8.7 percent in 2006. Meanwhile, Durable Equipment sustained a positive growth of 4.9 percent from negative 0.5 percent in the same period last year.

Reeling from the crisis faced by the US economy, total Merchandise Exports skidded to negative 3.7 percent from a growth of 2.2 percent in the same quarter last year.

The top five Merchandise Exports were: Finished Electrical Machinery, which bounced back to a 19.5 percent gain from a 14.0 percent decline; Crude Coconut Oil, which recovered from negative 39.7 percent to positive 9.6 percent; Semiconductors and Electric Microcircuits, which expanded to 1.7 percent from negative 4.3 percent; Canned Pineapple, which rebounded to 29.3 percent from negative 7.3 percent; and Prepared Tuna, which grew by 69.1 percent from 48.9 percent. Exports of Non-Factor Services, on the other hand, accelerated to 6.4 percent from 2.9 percent in the previous year.

Total Merchandise Imports, which has been on a downhill since the first quarter of the year, continued to shrink by 3.2 percent in the fourth quarter from last year’s 0.3 percent growth.

Only three subsectors contributed positively to the growth of Merchandise Imports: Cereals and Cereals Products, with a hefty growth of 96.4 percent from a measly 0.8 percent last year; Mineral Fuels, Lubricants and Related Materials, up anew by 7.6 percent from 11.1 percent; and Dairy Products, which accelerated to 10.8 percent from 9.9 percent. On the other hand, imports of non-factor services slowed down to 11.1 percent from 17.6 percent due to the lackluster performance of Miscellaneous Services, which contracted by 0.4 percent from a 17.4 percent gain last year.

The terms of trade during the quarter resulted in a Trade Index of 104.2 percent from 109.2 percent in the same period last year. Trading Gains for the quarter amounted to P6.1 billion.

GNP Implicit Price Index (IPIN) stood at 497.1 from 478.6 in the previous year or a 3.79 percent inflation from 2006.

Secretary-General, NSCB

Monday, January 28, 2008


Global Alliance for Justice Education (GAJE)


December 2008 Philippine Islands

GAJE will hold its 5th global conference in the Philippines in
December 2008. The conference will be hosted by the Ateneo Human
Rights Center (AHRC), a university-based institution engaged in the
promotion and protection of human rights in the Philippines, in
collaboration with Bridges Across Borders (BAB), a non-governmental
organization working in Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia,
Singapore, Ireland, the United States, Mexico, Panama and Colombia.
The primary venue will be the Law School of Ateneo de Manila
University, located in the City of Makati in metropolitan Manila. The
work of the AHRC includes curriculum development, values formation and
internship programs for legal education, and the promotion of the
rights of children, women, migrant workers and indigenous peoples. The
AHRC also serves as the secretariat of the Human Rights Standing
Committee of the Law Association for Asia and the Pacific (LAWASIA).
Bridges Across Borders works on a wide variety of initiatives in
community development and capacity-building, child protection and
education, transitional justice and community legal education.

The conference program will include opportunities to learn about local
justice education activities, such as the AHRC internship program, in
which law students are introduced to the field of alternative or
developmental law practice through exposure to grassroots life and to
human rights advocacy in the Philippines; non-government organizations
from the coalition of Alternative Law Groups; paralegals based in
rural areas serving marginalized sectors such as farmers and fisher
folk; and various clinical legal education programs in the
Philippines, including a mandatory program at the law school at the
University of the Philippines.

The GAJE Conference Planning Committee is finalizing dates, conference
themes, and the call for participation, which will be sent by email to
all GAJE members. Questions and suggestions can be sent to the
Conference Planning Committee through the GAJE Executive Committee:

Previous Conferences

2006 Worldwide Conference - Argentina
2004 Worldwide Conference - Poland
2001 Worldwide Conference - South Africa
1999 Worldwide Conference - India

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

2008 Little Manila Calendars

Just wanted to send out a reminder to pre-order your 2008 Little Manila Remember & Reclaim Calendar. The calendars are still on track for a mid-November release so now is the time to take advantage of our $15 special pre-order price. After the calendars come in, they will be $18 each. These unique Filipino American history calendars make a great gift for any occasion and will also look great in your home or office! Plus, the proceeds go to the efforts of the Little Manila Foundation and the Stockton Chapter of the Filipino American National Historic Society.

Just go to our online store located at:

Check out the cover for the calendar:

And a little sample of the inside:
Like what ya see? Then go to our online store to pre-order your calendar for $15 right now!

New Course - Multiracial Multiethnic Experience Ethnic Studies Program University of Oregon

New Course - Multiracial Multiethnic Experience Ethnic Studies Program University of Oregon

Spring Term MW 12-1:20pm Undergraduate and Graduate credit

Instructor: Anselmo Villanueva, Ph.D. 541.485.1755 x202


This course will focus on the multiracial multiethnic experience in
the United States, with particular emphasis on the Northwest. This
course will provide students with a framework to understand this
experience. The course will cover the history and background of the
mixed experience, anti-miscegenation laws and practices, research,
identity models, resources, and case studies.

Traditionally, the multiracial experience has been defined as "Black"
and "White" – people, relationships, and marriages that have been
between White and African American people. This course will also
include the experiences of multiple relationships and people, such as
Asian and Latino, Black and Asian, and so on.

Students will develop a broad understanding of the multiracial
multiethnic experience. In the process, students will also have the
opportunity to examine their own culture, ethnic identity, background,
attitudes, and beliefs.


- Students will examine their own cultural and ethnic identity.
- Students will learn about the history and background of the mixed race experience.
- Students will appreciate the uniqueness of the multiethnic population.
- Students will understand the importance of learning about this growing population.
- Students will be exposed to resources and research related to this population.

23rd Annual Oregon Asian Celebration February 16-17 Eugene OR

The 23rd Annual Oregon Asian Celebration that will be held here in Eugene at the Lane County
Fairgrounds on February 16-17, 2008. It is two full days of entertainment, food, and vendors. About 20,000+ people attend each year.
There are two stages in separate rooms -- one for general entertainment and one for martial arts. It is a very family oriented event and children of all ages are welcome.

Surf to the website for more information:

8th NaFFAA National Empowerment Conference September 26-28, 2008 Seattle, WA

The National Federation of Filipino American Associations (NaFFAA)

The Voice of Filipino Americans For Unity and Empowerment

8th NaFFAA National Empowerment Conference

8th NaFFAA National Empowerment Conference September 26-28, 2008 Seattle, WA

September 26-28, 2008 Westin Hotel Seattle, WA

The National Federation of Filipino American Associations (NaFFAA) is recognized by Washington policy-makers, private industry and national advocacy groups as the Voice of Filipinos and Filipino Americans throughout the United States. It is a non-partisan, non-profit national affiliation of more than five hundred Filipino-American institutions and umbrella organizations. Its twelve regions cover the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Guam and the Marianas.

Kultural Enrichment and Language Program - Los Angeles CA

Kultural Enrichment and Language Program - Los Angeles CA

Kultural Enrichment & Language Program (KELP)

The Kultural Enrichment and Language Program (KELP) is a program
developed by Search To Involve Pilipino Americans (SIPA), is an
experiential learning program with an emphasis in Filipino language,
arts, and culture. The after-school program targets Filipino American
children in elementary grade levels 1-3.

The goal of the class is not only to teach the students Tagalog, but
also about the different facets of Philippine culture, art, history,
literature and geography. The program design follows the curriculum
standards adopted by the California State Board of Education for
elementary school levels.

The objective of the program is for the students to gain a deeper
awareness and understanding of their cultural heritage, thereby
strengthening their own identity as Filipino Americans. In addition,
their exposure to a culture other than the one they are entrenched in
will motivate them to learn more about the world around them and reach
their full potential as learners.


Dates: Saturday, March 15 – Saturday, June 21, 2008

Location: Pacific Community Center, Glendale, CA

Address: 501 S. Pacific Ave. Glendale, CA 91204

Time: 9am – 12pm, Saturdays

Cost: $250 per child AND reduced rates for families with more than one
child attending

For more information, please contact: Farzana Nayani, Program Manager or 213.382.1819 x 107

Salamat Po!

Northwest Filipino American Student Alliance (NWFASA)

Northwest Filipino American Student Alliance (NWFASA)

NWFASA Conference 2008:

April 4-6, 2008 Gonzaga University, Spokane WA


Keynote speaker: Claire Oliveros

Claire Oliveros received her Bachelor of Arts in Speech Communication
from Western Oregon University, a Masters of Science in Education from
Portland State University, and is completing her Ph.D. in Education at
Oregon State University. Claire is the coordinator of the
Multicultural Center at Portland Community College Sylvania Campus and
is active in the community. In 2005, Claire co-founded the Portland
Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines and helped establish the
Asian Pacific American (APA) Compass Radio Collective with 90.7 FM
KBOO Community Radio. Oliveros has also been recognized as one of the
top 100 influential Filipinas.

History of NWFASA

More than 10 years ago, students from local Washington universities
came up with the idea to create an alliance between all the Filipino
student organizations in Washington state.

After coming together to discuss the issues affecting the
Filipino/Filipino American community, they produced the first
Washington State Filipino American Student Alliance Conference, held
at Washington State University. The purpose of the Alliance was, and
continues to be, to build a strong network and community between the
organizations in order to pool resources and increase education and
awareness, and provide support to old and new upcoming organizations.

The Alliance brings together the various student groups on higher
education campuses across the state of Washington and Oregon. For the
past 14 years, NWFASA has put together a conference to gather Filipino
American students for a weekend of learning, leadership, networking,
and team-building. The conference continues to be annual, attended by
more than 400 students, and has been held throughout Oregon and
Washington. NWFASA's purpose is to build a strong network and
community between the organizations in order to pool resources,
increase education and awareness, and to provide support to current &
new organizations. NWFASA's goals are for the betterment of our
Filipino American community through education, student activism, and

As the Alliance continues to grow in organizations, including several
in Oregon, it has been renamed the Northwest Filipino American Student
Alliance (NWFASA).

Current NWFASA members:

AnakBayan Seattle and UW
Central Washington University - FASA
Everett Community College - API STUDENT UNION
Gonzaga University - FASU
Oregon State University - ISANG BANSANG PILIPINO
Portland State University - KAIBIGAN
Portland Community College - SAMAHAN
Seattle Central Community College - PINOY NG CENTRAL
Seattle University - UNITED FILIPINO CLUB
University of Washington - FASA
Washington State University - FASA
Western Washington University - FASA
NaFFAA Youth Region 7 Seattle
The Beloved Brotherhood of Omega Phi Omega - KUYAS

Monday, January 21, 2008


Welcome to the "Pinoy Pipeline" a network of sites, feed, bolgs, community.

Information Pipeline
for the
Global Filipino Community

A central location to submit site links,
content feeds (video, music, blogs, news, and more)
and have it aggregated to the global Filipino community.

Soon to Launch

Ben Greer

also see:

©2008 Ben Greer PhotoBen750